Image Galleries

Webmap of All THEMIS Images (2002-Present)
Image footprints for all released images taken by the Thermal Emission Imaging System (THEMIS) on the Mars Odyssey orbiter.
Maps of all Mars images
Find images taken by Mars-orbiting spacecraft from Viking (1976) to the present day.
THEMIS Feature Articles
Feature articles combine striking THEMIS images and mosaics with recent research about Mars.
Mars Global Movies
Wrapping spacecraft data around a Mars globe presents new ways of seeing the Red Planet.
Mars Global Datasets
Go here to access scientific datasets that cover all of Mars.
THEMIS keeps an eye on Mars for dust
Scientists are using THEMIS to detect seasonal and yearly changes in dust activity and to track the development of dust storms.
THEMIS Pre-Launch Image Gallery
Images of THEMIS and Odyssey during assembly, testing and launch.
THEMIS Image of the Day
Daily images from the THEMIS camera analyzed by our staff scientists.
What would you see if you could fly over Mars?
"Live" Images from Mars
Every week, THEMIS takes several hundred images of the surface of Mars. See them here as they are received by mission scientists.
THEMIS Images By Topic
A continually augmented selection of THEMIS images organized by geologic theme.