Current Projects

Designing and operating remote-sensing instruments on robotic planetary missions.
THEMIS Support for MSL
Data from THEMIS helped scientists choose a landing site for the Mars Science Laboratory (MSL), NASA's next rover spacecraft, due to arrive August 2012.
Software & Tools
Available research software used by THEMIS scientists and researchers.
Headline stories of recent research carried out with instruments designed and operated at the Mars Space Flight Facility.
TES: Hunting Mars minerals from orbit
Mars Space Flight Facility scientists designed and operated the Thermal Emission Spectrometer on NASA's Mars Global Surveyor
Mission Support
Providing mission support data to scientists and flight engineers involved in past, present, and future missions.
THEMIS for scientists and researchers
Resources for scientists and researchers interested in working with THEMIS data.
ASU Mars Education Program
The program provides classes, workshops, field trips, and other opportunities for teachers and students to join with scientists in the excitement of Mars exploration.
Mini-TES: Scouting rocks for Mars rovers
Mars Space Flight Facility scientists operate the Mini-TES instruments on each of NASA's Mars Exploration Rovers.